Add New Grower

If you cannot find your operation in the Grower Search, you can manually add it. From either of the screens displayed above, click add a new record. The Add New Grower screen appears. Fill out the information and click Save. Fields near the area will appear. Proceed with the enrollment instructions for adding a field.

Field Summary Page

The Field Summary page is where you will certify you are eligible for the FSA program. Review the information about the fields you have added on the right side of the page. Read the statements on the left side of the page and select the check box if the statement is true. Type your name

How to Add a Field

Once you have enrolled and logged in, select the fields you want to enroll in the FSH program. Click on the field. The Field Information window opens. Assign a name to the selected land. Select the cover crop you will plant. If you plan to plant more than one crop in the field, click Add